*BISA TUKAR SIZE berapa kalipun!
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Get it while it’s fresh . Made from a mix of suede, microfiber leather and a variety of textiles combined with transparent mesh with striking silver zipper, Strada Wisteria brings a new look to the
sneakers game. Balances everything you love about our late first Strada series with fresh innovations.
What will you get :
– One pair of Sneakypair Strada Wisteria
– Memory Foam Insole
– 2 Extra Laces
– Inner Box
– Sneakypair Shoelaces Emblem
– One pair of socks
– Stickers
Specification :
Upper : Mix of Suede Kulit Asli, Microfiber leather and a variety of textiles combined with transparent mesh with striking silver zipper
Outsole : Transparent TPR Outsole
Insole : Memory Foam Insole (Detachable, tidak dilem full agar mudah dicuci)
Weight : Approximately 750 Gr
Ukur panjang kaki kamu terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu cocokan dengan Chart di bawah ini.
Chart size :
36 : 22.5 cm
37 : 23.0 cm
38 : 23.5 cm
39 : 24.0 cm
40 : 24.5 cm
41 : 25.0 cm
Jaminan Kekuatan Sole 6 Bulan
Jika terjadi masalah di bagian sole seperti sole terbuka atau lepas, silahkan hubungi Customer Service ke nomor Whatsapp berikut 0821-2823-0688 untuk mendapatkan perbaikan. Jangan
khawatir! Semua ongkir pulang pergi free kita yang tanggung ya guys. Jadi jangan ragu lagi untuk belanja sepatu impianmu
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