*BISA TUKAR SIZE berapa kalipun!
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Step up your sneaker game with the sleek and stylish Sneakypair Dash House Finch. Crafted from a combination of microfiber and woven materials, these sneakers are both durable and
comfortable. The outsole, made with white rubber, provides excellent grip and support for any adventure.
What you will get :
– One pair of Sneakypair Dash House Finch
– Memory Foam Insole
– 2 Extra Laces
– Inner Box
– Sneakypair Shoelaces Emblem
– One pair of socks
– Stickers
Specification :
Upper : Davi, Wooven, Reflective, Cotton
Outsole : Pure Rubber
Insole : Memory Foam Insole (Detachable, tidak dilem full agar mudah dicuci)
Weight : Approximately 900 Gr
Ukur panjang kaki kamu terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu cocokan dengan Chart di bawah ini.
Chart size :
36 : 23 cm
37 : 23.5 cm
38 : 24 cm
39 : 24.5 cm
40 : 25 cm
41 : 25.5 cm
Jaminan Kekuatan Sole 6 Bulan
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khawatir! Semua ongkir pulang pergi free kita yang tanggung ya guys. Jadi jangan ragu lagi untuk belanja sepatu impianmu
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