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Introducing the Sneakypair Walkey Blackpink Domino, a comfortable option for your casual footwear needs. These sandals are made from a combination of Flanel and Webbing Nylon materials,
ensuring durability and a comfortable fit.
Perfect for a day out or running errands, the Sneakypair Walkey Blackpink Domino offer both style and comfort in one package.
What will you get :
– One pair of Sneakypair Walkey Black Cookies
– Inner Box
– One pair of socks
– Stickers
Specification :
Upper : Flanel, Webbing nylon, Stopper, Rectangular Mesh 2.0
Outsole : Microtech
Insole : Sneakypair Extreme Cushion 2.0
Weight : Approximately 850 Gr
Ukur panjang kaki kamu terlebih dahulu. Setelah itu cocokan dengan Chart di bawah ini.
Chart size :
36 : 23.3 cm
37 : 23.9 cm
38 : 24.5 cm
39 : 25.1 cm
40 : 25.7 cm
Jaminan Kekuatan Sole 6 Bulan
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khawatir! Semua ongkir pulang pergi free kita yang tanggung ya guys. Jadi jangan ragu lagi untuk belanja sepatu impianmu
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